Interface ModelMappingFinder

All Known Implementing Classes:
CallbackMappingFinder, IdBasedMappingFinder

public interface ModelMappingFinder

Interface for different match implementations

Mark Kofman

Method Summary
 ModelMapping matchModels(ModelResource resourceA, ModelResource resourceB)
          takes two models resources as input and returns a mapping between them.
 ModelMapping matchModels(ModelResource sourceA, ModelResource sourceB, MappingCallback callback)
          takes two models resources as input and returns a mapping between them.

Method Detail


public ModelMapping matchModels(ModelResource resourceA,
                                ModelResource resourceB)
takes two models resources as input and returns a mapping between them. The mapping identifies relations (mapping) between the objects in the two input models. The relations are either equal or similar, based on some externally provided definition of equality or similarity.

resourceA - first model resource
resourceB - second model resource
Mapping between two models


public ModelMapping matchModels(ModelResource sourceA,
                                ModelResource sourceB,
                                MappingCallback callback)
takes two models resources as input and returns a mapping between them. The mapping identifies relations (mapping) between the objects in the two input models. The relations are either equal or similar, based on some externally provided definition of equality or similarity. It also uses callback to to provide human/caller assistance.

Mapping between two models